We are located at the corner of Millbury and Ellsworth Streets in Worcester, outside Kelley Square and a 10-minute walk from Polar Park. There are several options for parking, including:

Millbury Street: There is “virtual” metered parking on Millbury Street. Most of the time, the meters are off during our business hours, but if needed you can park and pay via a credit card or the Passport mobile app.

Side Streets: You can generally park on the side streets off Millbury for free except for areas marked resident parking only.

Municipal and Privately-Owned Parking Lots/Garages: There are several lots in the Canal District and around Polar Park, just minutes from Steel & Wire. The closest lot is at 156 Washington Street/Lamartine Street and is $2/day with the Passport app.

A Final Note: Do NOT park in the Bank of America ATM lot across from us on Ellsworth. You will be towed!

See you soon!